Faulu Productions is an organisation inspiring hope, resilience, and initiative amongst the refugee community of Kakuma. It is a Community-Based Organisation situated in Turkana state, Kenya. Founded by Lyama Amadi, Faulu aims to support its community to help them become self-sustaining in the midst of the incredibly dry and difficult environment of Kakuma, and thereby lift them out of extreme poverty and hardship.
Faulu focuses on projects within five main departments; Women Empowerment, Youth Development, Education, Agriculture and Environment, and Film Production.
FOUNDER and Director
Lyama Amadi is the director and founder of Faulu Productions. As a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo, he has been living in Kakuma Refugee Camp since 2011. His two main passions are film production and helping the community around him. Despite the harsh conditions of Kakuma, Lyama has managed to grow a wonderful organisation, that truly supports his community.
Regional ProgramME Manager
Sakina Karibi appointed as the regional programme manager is responsible for overseeing all projects that fall under the Faulu portfolio and acts as Lyama's deputy. She brings with her the experience and training in Permaculture together with her massive amount of enthusiasm and drive to make things happen.