Education Department
Innocent and Martin run the Education Department. They provide additional support and tuition to under-achieving students in Mathematics and English. If they find young people in the streets they try to encourage them to come for tuition.
Packed full of drive they have managed to improve the grades of their 70 students, helping every student to sit their end of year exams. However, with limited furniture, books, or other classroom material to work with, they find it difficult for the students to thrive as much as they could.
Previously, with no classrooms, the students and teachers had to rely on the availability of churches, which meant that classes could only run in the mornings from 09:30 to 12:00. If a church was unavailable, they were left to study outside, under any tree they could find. This left lessons prone to difficult weather conditions. With a lack of water and shade, it was very difficult for the students to learn. They had no chairs to sit on, or desks to work with, so they would find themselves stones or cans to use. Trying to learn and to teach despite these harsh circumstances shows the students' and teachers' sheer dedication to providing and receiving an education.
Many adult students would find themselves too embarrassed to attend lessons with primary school children, particularly out in the open with the community walking by.
We would like to say an enormous thank you to the many donors who recently contributed towards building three of Faulu's own classrooms. Thanks to this wonderful generosity, there has been an incredible improvement to the learning conditions of Faulu's students! While younger students can now attend class with the confidence that space for learning will be available each day, Faulu is now also able to run a new adult education class after 12:00 where the adult students can attend without feeling insecure. In addition, the classes are being used for other purposes such as training courses in agriculture and environment, tailoring, youth education, and meditation just to name a few things.
The education department will continue to have ongoing needs. They are always grateful for materials that improve the quality of teaching and learning, such as teacher guidance books, pens, pencils, white-out, erasers, exercise books, glue etc. Any donation can help provide better learning conditions for Faulu's students and teachers, and will be warmly received!
Tahirih Preschool
This year the wonderful Permaculture For Sustainable Communities funded the development of a preschool for Faulu's beneficiaries. The preschool was named Tahirih, after the late wife of one of Faulu's team members.
Tahirih will not only provide a space for young children to learn and play, something that is hard to come by in Kakuma Refugee Camp, but will allow their parents the time to earn an income and improve their livelihoods.
This initiative has already bought so many smiles to the children that have attended Tahirih, and we can't wait to see how many more lives it touches!
Martin Abumba
Education Supervisor
Sebuhinja Innocent
Education Assistant Supervisor
The Students
Remedial Primary Education Classrooms Being Built....
....and Up and Running